Website Terms of Use


Polar Star Tax & Accounting Inc. (the "Company", "We", or "Us") and you ("You" or "Customer") are parties to these terms of service (the "Agreement"). Upon acceptance or deemed acceptance of this Agreement, as discussed below, this Agreement becomes effective.

It is understood and agreed that we will be exchanging information and documents electronically over the Internet or by email and that the electronic Agreement will be equivalent to a written physical agreement between You and Us.


1. Ownership and Copyright.

You accept that the information contained within this website, which is inclusive of the reports, data, databases, images, user interfaces, pages, files, software, names of the company and products, trade-marks, copyright, and patent, logos and trade-names (collectively the “Content”), are owned solely by their respective owners, the Company or its licensors. This includes, but is not limited to, how this Content is displayed and the associated information.

2. Permitted Use.

Upon receiving this license, you are granted a limited, revocable, nonexclusive, non-transferrable and non-exclusive license to find, download and read a singular Content copy to merely assess the services we offer ("Services").

3. Restrictions On Use.

By agreeing to this, you commit not to:

a.           Reproduce, resell, re- distribute or distribute the Content in any form, including by media, cable or satellite systems, commercial networks, cables, etc.

b.           Derive work from, reverse engineer, or partake in the decompiling, disassembling, adaptation, translation, transmitting, enhancing, bundle, selling, sublicensing, exporting, merging, loaning, renting, leasing, assigning, sharing, hosting, publishing, or otherwise directly or indirectly making use of the Content either partially or completely, through any form or means, such as electronically or tangibly, or otherwise. The Company or its licensors' proprietary rights are not to be violated or otherwise prejudiced by you using this Content or by permitting any third parties to access it. Insofar as the restrictions contained in this Agreement are prohibited by law, they shall not apply.

4. License to Use Your Information.

Barring your information that is non-public and personal in nature, You agree that the Company has access to the content that you provide either via the website or through the website, which includes but is not limited to email transmission.  You agree that the company owns the license to your content that is constant, unlimited, free of royalty, global, non-exclusive, non-revocable, assignable in order to operate, showcase, reproduce, post, bundle, share, sell, derive from, alter, translate, transfer, organize, enhance, sublicense, export, combine, loan, rent, lease, designate, share, outsource, host, and make it accessible to any individual. This content may be in the form of inventions, ideas, concepts, techniques, technology or any other intellectual property. Unless specifically agreed to in writing by the Company or required by law, the Company shall not be subject to any obligations of confidentiality in regards to any such information. Your representation and warranty that you are legally able to grant the license outlined above is hereby reaffirmed.

5. Personal Information.

The Company might sometimes track how the website is used by You and might obtain, save, leverage, and reveal data pertaining to you, in order to seek you to make use of its services. Hereby, you agree to the obtaining, saving, leveraging, and revealing of such data, subject to our Privacy Policy , which waives any rights you may have to privacy with respect to this information.

6. Service Agreement.

Service agreements, such as Service Terms of Use, are separate agreements between You and the Company or a supplier or sponsor of the Company if you wish to solicit its services; they are not incorporated herein, and You will have no rights to or claims based on such services.

7. Limitations on Liability and Disclaimers.

WE DO NOT GUARANTEE THE CONFIDENTIALITY AND SECURITY OF PERSONAL DATA AND FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS ON THIS SITE OR ON THE WEB. You use this website and its content at your own risk, and the company assumes no responsibility whatsoever with regard to your use of the website or the receipt, storing, transmitting or otherwise using any personal information you provide..

There may be hyperlinks to other sites incorporated within this site. If You access these sites, You do so at Your own risk since the Company does not take responsibility for their accuracy or appropriateness. We do not publish or disseminate any of the material on those other sites, and we do not monitor or control those sites. By providing links to those other sites, we are in no way becoming a publisher. The Company does not imply any affiliation or association with any website linked to from this one. NO INFORMATION OR CONTENT FOUND ON OTHER WEBSITES IS RECOMMENDED OR ENDORSED BY THE COMPANY. It is important to note that the mention of another party or its product or service does not imply endorsement by this website.

If You send or permit the Company to send or receive confidential or proprietary information from you or any third party, the Company will not be responsible for any damages incurred by you, or for any errors or changes made to the information transmitted, stored, or received.

For retrieving and using the Content, you are solely responsible. It is up to You as to how to use the Content, including, but not limited to, how to draw conclusions based on the information.


PLEASE USE THE CONTENT AS INFORMATION ONLY AND DO NOT INTERPRET IT AS a recommendation for a particular product, service, use, or course of action. 


Additionally, any opinions expressed on this website are those of the particular author and may not reflect those of it's Licensed Legal, Tax, Accountant, or Accounting Professionals. Therefore, you are advised not to act based upon any posting without receiving professional guidance.


We (THE COMPANY, ITS AFFILIATES, AGENTS, LICENSORS, SUPPLIERS OR THEIR RESPECTIVE DIRECTORS, OFFICERS OR EMPLOYEES) will not be liable for any indirect, incidental, punitive, exempt, aggregate, economic or consequential damages of any kind, whether foreseeable, or unforeseen, howsoever caused, including but not limited to: DAMAGES DUE TO ABSENCE OF USE, OR PROFITS OR SAVINGS LOST, EVEN IF THE COMPANY OR ITS AGENTS OR OFFICERS WERE ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY.

The Company, its affiliates, agents, licensors, suppliers, or their employees, directors, officers, or agents are not liable for any damages or losses resulting from the use of the Site, including but not limited to: VIRUSES, CORRUPT DATA, FAILURE OF MESSAGE DELIVERY, ERRORS WITH TRANSMISSION; TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE PROVIDERS; THIRD PARTY WEBSITE LINKS; INTERNET; PERSONAL INJURY; THIRD PARTY DATA, PRODUCTS OR SERVICES; DAMAGES OR LOSSES DUE TO YOU OR YOUR EMPLOYEES, AGENTS OR SUBCONTRACTORS; ABSENCE OF AMENITIES, INCLUDING COMPUTERS, ROUTERS AND SAVED DATA; THE USE OR LACK OF POSSIBILITY OF MAKING USE OF THIS SITE OR ITS CONTENT; ANY OTHER SITE ACCESSED TO OR USING THIS WEBSITE; OR for any damage or claim caused by any event beyond its reasonable control, even if the company or any of its agents or employees were advised that such damages or claims might happen..

In no event shall the Company, its affiliates, agents, licensees, suppliers, and their respective directors, officers, and employees aggregate total liability for any and all causes whatsoever (including, without limitation, contract infringement, negligence, gross negligence, or other negligence) exceed twenty dollars.

The site's content may be updated without notice to you. The company is not obligated to update the site's content. The company is not responsible for any undesirable or objectionable content or information on this website.

 We disclaim any responsibility for any unauthorized uses or reproductions of the content of our websites. Accessing our websites from countries where they may be illegal is prohibited.

8. Termination.

Company's sole and unfettered discretion will determine whether or not to terminate this Agreement. It is possible that despite the terms of this Agreement, the Company may terminate the Agreement without notice to You. The Company shall additionally have the right to enjoin any such termination and to take any other equitable remedies that may be available to it, including, but not limited to, injunctions.

This Agreement shall survive termination or expiration, of the disclaimers, limitation on liability, ownership, termination, interpretation, your license to the Company, and the indemnification provisions.

9. Indemnity.

Through this agreement, you consent to the indemnification, defense and protecting the Company, its agents, suppliers, licensors, affiliates and their respective directors and employees against any claims, actions, proceedings, damages, demands, liabilities and expenses (including legal and other fees and disbursements) sustained, incurred and paid in the following:

a.           Information or other content sent to the Company by email or through this website, or information or other content provided by you through other means; or

b.           Any misuse of or interference with the Content or this website, including, without limitation, infringement claims.

10. Governing Law and Arbitration.

It is very important that you read this section carefully, because it limits the way Customers may seek redress from us, and requires you to arbitrate any disputes with us. If a Customer disputes our product, we will try to resolve the dispute through our support team.

According to the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association ("AAA") and the procedures below, any dispute arising from or relating to the Agreement will be resolved by binding arbitration in Wilmington, Delaware, USA.

Arbitration. If none of the above internal dispute resolution processes can resolve a dispute, final and binding arbitration will be used to resolve the dispute. Wilmington, Delaware, USA, will serve as the venue for the arbitration and the governing law of this Agreement will be applied. Upon agreement of both parties, a single arbitrator who is a practicing commercial lawyer in English and completely familiar with the then-current commercial arbitration rules will resolve the dispute. A judgment can be entered on the award in any court of competent jurisdiction based on the arbitrator's decision.

 Warranty, liability limitation, and other provisions of this Agreement shall apply to the arbitrator. The parties may, however, take injunctive action where appropriate in order to protect their rights pending the results of the arbitration.

Jurisdiction/Venue; Governing Law. Customers residing in the U.S. will be governed and construed under the laws of the State of Delaware (regardless of its choice of law principles). In the event of any suit arising out of or connected to this Agreement or the business relationship of the parties hereto, the parties agree to have the suit brought in the federal or state courts in Wilmington, Delaware. Neither party disputes the exclusive personal jurisdiction or venue of such courts, and each party gives such courts its consent to both such jurisdiction and venue.

NOTICE: Both WE and CUSTOMER agree that all disputes, complaints or claims arising out of or related to this Agreement will be arbitrated by NEUTRAL BINDING ARBITRATION, as well as to waive any right they have to proceed to court or jury trial in those matters. AS A CONDITION OF THIS AGREEMENT, CUSTOMER AND WE AGREE TO renounce their respective legal rights to discovery and appeal unless they are specifically mentioned in this agreement. After agreeing to the arbitration provision, any party who refuses to arbitrate may be compelled to do so under federal, state, or provincial law. Both the CUSTOMER and ourselves confirm that our agreement to the arbitration provision is voluntary.

11. Interpretation.

It is for convenience only that this Agreement has been divided into sections and that headings have been inserted. They do not affect the interpretation or construction of this Agreement. As part of this Agreement, any singular number is equivalent to a plural number, any gender is equivalent to either gender, and any person is equivalent to any corporation, trust, or unincorporated association.

12. Entire Agreement.

All agreements between You and the Company and any other legal notices or policies posted on this website, including but not limited to this Agreement as it may be changed from time to time as permitted by Section 12, constitute the entire agreement between You and the Company regarding the use of the Website and the Content.

13. Amendment and Waiver.

This Agreement may be amended at any time by updating this website. As a user of this website, it is your responsibility to regularly review updated information on this website. We request that you immediately stop using this website if you do not agree to the amended terms and conditions. If you access or use this website after any amendments have been posted, it will be deemed that you have acknowledged and accepted the amended terms and conditions. The Company will not be bound by any additions, modifications, or amendments to the Agreement, nor by any waiver of any provision of the Agreement, except as expressly agreed in writing by the Company. Any waiver of any provision of this Agreement shall not be considered or construed as a waiver of any other provision (whether or not similar) nor shall a waiver be extended indefinitely unless explicitly provided otherwise.

14. Severability.

In the event that any provision of this Agreement is deemed to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction in any jurisdiction, such provision shall be deemed ineffective in that jurisdiction and otherwise be enforced to the fullest extent permitted by law in that respective jurisdiction, without affecting these other provisions or their legality, validity and enforceability elsewhere.


Polar Star Tax & Accounting Inc.

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